Friday, January 4, 2013

Pro Life Debate Source Links

These are the sources that will aid the Governments arguments against abortion laws.

1.     "The Abortion Index." The Movement for a Better America. Movement for a Better America n.d.
Web. 06 Dec. 2012.
2.     "39 Major ProChoice Arguments and Their Refutations."
Eternal Perspective Ministries, 18 Feb. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2012.
3.    "Pro-life Answers to Pro-choice Questions - Abortion Arguments, Pro-life v Abortion, Facts on Abortion." Death Roe, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2012.

Pro-Life Abortion Debate Outline for the Deputy Prime Minister

Abortion (Pro-Life)
Debate Speech Outline - Deputy Prime Minister (Government)
By Matthew Zwicker
Purpose: To persuade the audience that Western Democracies should significantly restrict

Central Idea
: Abortion should be restricted.

I.                   Introduction
A.       (Refocus audience again)
Mr. Speaker, members of the Class, I am here today to help stop the massacre that is occurring on our very streets.
                                                              1.      We are here to say that western democracy should significantly restrict the monstrosity and malicious murder called abortion.
B.      I will
                                                              1.      clarify in rebuttal what the Leader of the Opposition said,
                                                              2.      then I will tell you may hear from the Opposition Team later on,
                                                              3.      then I will continue on with my points which are
 i.      Life begins at conception and
ii.      Abortion is separation and segregation.

II.                Body
A.       (Rebut Leader of the Opposition’s questions)
                                                              1.      (Defend the ethical credibility of Prime Minister points)
B.       (Either transition here into what they will say, and give a rebuttal to what they would say – OR – go one to state my points)
C.       Points
                                                              1.      (Transition) The Vietnam War; no one wanted it.
i.         It was sponsored by the few,
ii.       Using tax payers money,
iii.      Fueling a war that coasted the lives of about 47,000 people within a
  period of just nine years.
iv.       Today, we are now faced with a similar war,
a.       Not a war on terrorism, not a war on rights, but a war on life,
b.      Where not just 47,000 have been killed, but 14,000,000 innocent lives have been murdered within 54,559,615years of Roe vs. Wade.
                                                            2.      However, what you will hear the Opposition team say is that these people who are murdered aren’t even people, they are demeaned as an individual and called a “fetus”.
i.      But no one says “Oh! The fetus kicked!” or “I’m going to give birth to a fetus.” No; no one says that. People call it a “baby”, an actual human being.
ii.      Life begins at conception.
a.       Life begins at conception; this phrase isn’t just an opinion, but a fact. This is the House of Representative’s Bill 374, aka the “Life at Conception Act”. Which reads:
                                                                                                                                      1.      “To implement equal protection for the right to life of each born and preborn human person, and pursuant to the duty and authority of the Congress, including Congress’ power… the Congress hereby declares that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being…”
                                                                                                                                    2.      “The terms “human person” and “human being” include each and every member of the species homo sapiens at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species come into being.”
3.      It includes fertilization; fertilization is when the egg is fertilized by the sperm; that is when life begins; right from that very moment.
4.      It’s a beautiful thing, for at that moment, life is given to an individual, a human being.
b.      However, speaking about the individual, the refuting team declares woman’s rights.
                                                                                                                                      i.      But when has it ever entered out mind that we should give preference over one person from another.
ii.      For when one decides to take away some individual’s life, and say that it is a constitutional right, I am bold to say that this is sickeningly wrong, an act against humanity.

                                                          3.      (Transition) For America was founded on equality. As found in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,”
i.      All men, all humans, all people are created equal.
a.       So why give preference toward a mother, who has a voice, and let the one individual, who doesn’t have a chance to give his or her say, to refute and to defend his or her innocent life.
b.      It is clearly seen here that separation and segregation are still a hot topic on today’s social norms.
                                                                                                                                      1.      Should we segregate the lesser person by esteeming the words of the higher person more than lowly? Surely we are separating equality here.
2.      For without say, without the right to a fair trial, without the right to life, there is no such thing as equality; but in separation and segregation.
ii.      The Declaration of Independence continues saying:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
a.       “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” There can be no pursuit of happiness if there is no liberty; and neither can there be any pursuit of happiness not liberty if there is no life.
b.      If life is taken away, then everything that we’ve hoped and dreamed for has been skewed and falsified, because life is meaningless if we dare even think that life could be meaningless in certain aspects.

III.             Don’t let anyone persuade you into the horrible thought that taking away a person’s life is a right.
a.       Never give in to the persuasiveness of those who want to take away life.

Jefferson, Thomas. "Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript." Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2012.
Ertelt, Steven. "54,559,615 Abortions Since Roe vs. Wade Decision in 1973." 54,559,615 Abortions Since Roe vs. Wade Decision in 1973., 23 Jan. 2012. Web. 06 Dec. 2012.
"The Abortion Index." The Movement for a Better America. Movement for a Better America, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2012.
"39 Major ProChoice Arguments and Their Refutations." EternalPerspectiveMinistries, 18 Feb. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2012.
"Legal Abortion: Arguments Pro & Con." Choice Matters RSS, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2012.
"Pro-life Answers to Pro-choice Questions - Abortion Arguments, Pro-life v Abortion, Facts on Abortion." Death Roe, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2012.

Analysis of Informative Speakers

Analysis of Informative Speakers

Matthew Zwicker

How do the author's build credibility?

          The speaker who gave "The Hidden World of Chili Peppers" speech build credibility by stating
     sources that back up what he says (i.e. books, people who have a background in the area).
          The speaker who gave the "Medical Robots: From Science Fiction to Science Fact" speech
     built credibility by using many quotes from people who specialized in medical robots.

Choose one of the two speeches: What impresses you about the speech?

          In "The Hidden World of Chili Peppers", I was incredibly impressed by the balanced usage of
     vivid imagery, facts, and the combination of the two to create a interesting speech.

Evaluative Comments

2. How do the speakers catch attention?

          The speaker in "Chili Peppers" caught my attention by causing me to imagine myself in an
     uncomfortable state while eating a hot chili pepper.
          The speaker in "Medical Robots" caught my attention by telling an abstract story of robotic
     arms moving over a person on a table... while doing surgery.

3. How does author of Chili Pepers show credibility? 

          The author of "Chili Peppers" shows credibility by using outside resources, such as books ("The Camridge World History of Food", "Spices, Herbs, and Edible Fungi", "The Chili Pepper Encyclopedia", and "The Nutrition Reporter").

5. What type of organizational pattern are used for each of the speeches?

          The organizational pattern used for "Chili Peppers" is
          The organizational pattern used for "Medical Robots" is

6. List statistics cited in one of the speeches. 

          These are the different statistics in "Chili Peppers":
     *Chili peppers didn't become known to thre rest of the world unitl after Columbus came to the
       Western hemisphere in the 1490's.
     *25% of the world's adult population uses chili peppers as a regular part of their daily diet.
     *The hottest pepper on record is the orange habanero, with a Scoville Heat Unit rating of 300,000.
     *Capsaicin, a chemical that makes peppers spicy, is not soluble in water.
     *There have been more than 1,300 medical studies on capsaicin, the active ingredient in peppers.

Commemorative Speech Manuscript

Commemorative Speech – Manuscript
Matthew I. Zwicker

This person is greater than any comic-book hero, because she is a living superhero. When she flies to help, beams of love and compassion radiate off of her. Her hands heal, her enemies kneel, and she makes a fine, good (warm, savory/tasty) meal. Her apron is her cape. She hold the sword of the Word of the LORD in her right hand, and in her left, the shield of faith; and fastened to her belt of truth, a wooden mixing spoon of justice to use against the forces of evil, childhood disobedience.
            So it must be said that out of the pool of “superheroes”, one of the most heroic persons of my life is my mother, Janet Ann Zwicker. Today, I would like to honor my mother and emphasize the gifts of her courageous passion for adventure, aspirational perseverance, and great, compassionate love for others, but more so, for Jesus. Her qualities have given me great inspiration, and my hope is that in these next few minutes, she would inspire you too.
Of my mother, what can I say? With all of her abilities, she is like a Renaissance woman: “She can do all thing through Christ who gives her strength.” She’s explored Montana’s frost-bitten forests and Hawaii’s flaming lava fields; she’s smelled the rotten stench of a bear; and stared into the deep, cold eyes of three wolves. Her titles range from Forest Service Worker to lava fire fighter; from a small café waitress to an excelling pastry chef; and from “bus driver” for the elderly to Food Stamp provider to the poor. What can I say about her, my Renaissance mother? As many things she did, so as many obstacles she had to climb over to reach her goals.
Of my mother what can I say? Her perseverance to reach her goals is like a runner in a race: though sweat runs down and the sun pounds down on your face, that doesn’t stop you from running around the next turn. Ever since she was a little girl, my mother Janet always had a heart for people and a nose for cooking. So with my older sister, Crystal, who at the time was 2, my mother attended the University of Montana to major in Culinary Arts. However, due to life’s circumstances, my mother had to drop out of college and relinquish her degree. However, within 20 years, my mother worked in a small town café, catered for many weddings and reunions, and was one of the top chefs at two high-end Resorts in Hawaii. What can I say about her, my persevering mother? As for the many obstacles she has overcome, one thing she has overcome, getting over herself and living selflessly for God in every manner of her life.
Of my mother, what can I say? Her love is like mustard seed: as she let herself be soaked in the love of Jesus, God brought life to that little seed to grow into a mighty tree, so that all would see the love of God through just one little seed. She loved and loves her children with a deep love I rarely see at all. My mother is the type mother where if she has nothing to worry about, she’ll worry about not having something to worry about. Who knows a mother who does this? She has a deep compassion for people. People are on her heart 24/7, and she prays for people fervently like a mighty warrior fighting in the spiritual realm. She would pray with me every night since I could remember. With a warm embrace and a look of hope in her eyes, she would always press me on towards God and eternal life. What can I say about her, my heart-felt mother? Her love for God reaches to the stars, and her love for people reaches to their hearts.
So, with the ability to be willing to do anything, perseverance to get over anything and a heart for God and for people above everything, my mother is a real superhero. From running to stop lava flows to being still and talking to let Christ’s love flow, my mother has done many things to show her deep sincerity in loving God and loving people. – I do conclude that those two compose a true superhero, like you.

Speech Planning Worksheet for Commemorative Speech

Speech Planning Sheet
For Commemorative Speech

Your name: Matthew Zwicker

Topic of your speech: My mother - Who she is, what she has done, and how sh is inspirational.

General purpose: To inspire and commemorate

Specific purpose statement: I hold my mother in the highest honor; by her examples and what she taught, I hope others become inspired to be a greater person, Christ-like and Christ-lead.

My specific purpose is to inspire my audience by praising  Janet Zwicker (my mother).

Attention step: How will you hook the audience?

          I will hook the audience by using vivid imagery in stating some of my mother's
          "characteristics" using metaphoric "superhero apparel."

Credibility step: (state your experience, your research or both)

          I am my mother's son; I have lived with her for more than nineteen years.

Central idea: one sentence (sometimes called a thesis) that sums up whole speech that you say in the introduction. It should be something like: "Today I would like to pause and praise ....).

          Even though many forces were against her, my mother was able to soar about life's troubles
          through her contagious passion for Christ, excellent work ethic, and through her
          persevering determination.

Preview: Road map for the audience your main points. (May be part of central idea).

          1. My mother sought after God, prayed like a warrior, and shone the light of Christ.
          2. Her work ethic was incredible, despite what this world told her what she couldn't do.
               a. She didn't let her life limit her to the work God called her to do.
          3. Even though certain events put walls in the path of her dreams, she made do with what she
              had, and made a beautiful masterpiece out of it.

Main Points: (sum up how you will develop the body of the speech. First you will ______, then you will _______...)

             First, I will mention my mother's passion for Christ (her prayer life, her consistency, and her
          care for the spiritual health of her children).
             Then, I will talk about what she did throughout her life and how her work ethic was brilliant.
             Finally, I will esteem her determination. She was able to dream up large goals, but when life
          gave her small results, she took what she had, and made a delectable dish out of it.

Outline of Informative Speech

Informative Speech Outline
By Matthew Zwicker

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about adoption overall. 

Central Idea: Adoption – What it is, what the adoption process looks like, and the benefits that come with it.

I.                   Mother Teresa, Moses, President Clinton and Steve Jobs all have this one thing in common:
A.    They are all adopted.
II.                Likewise, my friend Dakota is adopted.
A.    In his earlier years, his mother put him and his younger brother into foster care, due to circumstances.
B.      After years of moving from foster home to foster home, a generous couple adopted both him and his little brother, to be a part of a loving and permanent family.
III.             After having a deep motivation to learn and understand what Dakota went through, I have done in-depth research on adoption.
IV.             Today, we will uncover a greater understanding of what exactly adoption is as a whole.
V.                In these next few minutes, I would like to show you what adoption really is, what the adoption process looks like, and some of the significant benefits of adoption.
(Transition: First off, let’s look at what adoption is.)

I.                   Adoption comes in many different shapes and sizes.
A.    As defined in an Adoption publication by the Department of Social & Health Service, “Adoption is the permanent, legal transfer of all parental rights from one person/couple to another person/couple.” (DSHS, pg. 1)
B.     Now, you’re probably thinking to yourself “Why would the birth parents put their child up for adoption?” Here are some factors of why they do, and not all reasons are bad: (, pg. 1)
1. Sure, there is the stereotype that the birth parents simply didn’t want their child.
2. But some birth parents put their children up for adoption because they decide that they want a better life for their child than what they could provide
                                                                                i.            Such as having insufficient housing, income, or living status,
3. Others believes their child would be better off in another country by means of international adoption,
4. And sometime, parents simply cannot take care of their children due sickness or ailments.
C.     In a recent study in 2008, there were about 500,000 foster children in the United States.
D.    Adoption is a huge need in our world.
E.     Adoption is one of the greatest honors a person/couple may have.
1. It shows that you rescued a child from partial isolation
2. And brought him/her under your wings of tender, loving care.
(Transition: Now that we know what adoption is, let’s understand what the adoption process looks like)

II.                There are 5 steps in the Adoption Process
A.    The first step is to select an agency through which adoption occurs
1. This may be done through public/state Adoption agencies, private agencies, independent adoptions, or step parent and adult adoptions.
B.     The second step is to complete a Home Study
1. A Home Study is basically learning about Adoption and the conduction of background checks.
C.     The third step is to Engage in the Placement Process
1. If pursuing adoption through foster care, agencies have different ways to show the different children waiting for an adoptive family.
2. If pursuing adoption through a private agency, expectant parents may pick a certain family that they feel may fit their child’s need best
3. If pursuing adoption through independent adoption, an attorney may locate a child waiting for adoption.
D.    The fourth step is to file various, yet necessary legal documents.
E.     And the fifth step is to parent the child
1. To be the parent in his/her life, to be the mother and the father that he/she  would have never had.
F.      According to, the projected cost of adoption varies from $5,000-$40,000
1. Depending on services provided, travel and birthmother expenses, state requirements, ex cet terra.
2. However, there are many ways to help pay for adoption,
1.      Through tax benefits, loans and employer benefits.
(Transistion: Keeping in mind the Adoption Process, no matter how many financial benefits one gets from adoption, there is no wait to great nor price too much to how many blessings and benefits are shared in adoption)

III.             Adoption is a huge benefit to everyone involved.
A.    “The Adoptive families are granted an opportunity to become parents.
B.     “A child is provided a two-parent home with a stable income.
C.     “A woman, who may not be ready to raise a child, can select a family that she knows will raise her child as she would like to.
D.    Psychological benefits of the child is that her/she may have
1. The love and support of adoptive parents
2. A desirable home and family life
3. Two parents, with the possibility of brothers and sisters
4. And a chance for better education
(Transition: The largest benefit of all is the opportunity to love and to grow with one another)

I.                   Today, we’ve looked at adoption, what it is, what the process is to adopt a child, and a few of the many benefits of adoption.
II.                For Dakota, his dream is to play professional football. He probably wouldn’t have the goals and aspirations that he now has if it wasn’t for his father and mother who adopted him into a home of love and care.
III.             By amazing grace, a child may finally find the security, hope and love that he would have never had had otherwise, through adoption.


"The Adoption Process." American Pregnancy Association. American Pregnancy Association, 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Benefits of Adoption." American Pregnancy Association. N.p., 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>. 

"Child Poverty and Inequality." Directory for Child Welfare: Adoption / Child Abuse / Child Welfare /child Support / Child Development / Child Care /  Foster Care / Children / Destiny Child / Child Book /  Child Abuse / Child Welfare /child Support / Child Development / Child Care /  Fo. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.
"Adoption in Washington State - A Lifelong Developmental Journey" Washington State Depoartment of Social and Health Services. Pg. 1-2. n.d. Article. 15 Oct. 2012. 

"Adoption Costs." Adoption Media, 2012. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Adoption." Kid's Health. Nemours, 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Why Do People Place Their Children for Adoption?" Adoption Media, 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.

Kovacs, Jason. "Orphan Statistics." ABBA Fund Blog. Abba Fund, 2009. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.